Monday, October 18, 2010

What is your favorite website?

My favorite website is Three Quarks Daily. My house was eventually installed with a 56k modem growing up and it was hard to visit a page without someone picking up a phone and kicking you offline (often to see if anyone was blocking the phone line) so one was lucky even to be able to check one's e-mail.

Coming to college where there was dedicated high speed internet was a renaissance, and the foremost guide to exploring the new world open to me was Abbas Raza and associates, who organized a site around what the true potential of the internet symbolized: Reading Every Cool Thing On The Web. Some dilettantes may point to BoingBoing or StumbledUpon or Reddit, but 3Quarks features things from those sites on a regular basis, and provides new content from some of the most interesting and controversial minds EVERYWHERE in a very well-balanced manner (unless there is something about Pakistan, India, or Palestine in the news, but I find well-measured debate or discourse on those topics interesting as well).

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