Monday, October 18, 2010

What is the picture that you like the most from this project?

My favorite PHOTO only survives as a torn and faded inkjet printout, I have no remembrance from whence it came:

My favorite PAINTING for several years had no title or author attached to it, I simply knew it as "My Favorite Painting", before eventually discovering on an art blog that it was a 1913 piece called "Woman in the Green Jacket" by German Avant-Garde Expressionist Auguste Macke, a member of Der Blaue Reiter.

I assumed erroneously that it would be French, and therefore named something like "The Spring of Sublime Ecstasy" or "Autumn's tempestuous sorrow beneath a blue mourning vale of salubrious discordancy". Perhaps I am jaded as a Dali collector. Still! Look at Dutch painters like M. C. Escher... his work barely had titles.

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