Monday, October 18, 2010

And you’ve never been curious about trying alcohol or drugs? Don’t you listen to stoner music like the Marley brothers and hang out with pot-heads sometimes?

I like the culture of peace and love, I don’t like the loss of control associated with the use of these things. As a kid I was always curious why more people after watching 80’s teen movies didn’t see the obvious downsides to consumption from the stereotypical “party scene” where the drunk kids end up doing something awful and hiding the body in the forest or spending the rest of the movie apologizing to their sweetheart- I decided (much like the con artist from the novel Galápagos) that I would not seek out any such diminishment of my faculties. Hard drugs are even worse, for obvious reasons, and I am also horrified at people who abuse prescription drugs and just take other people’s medicines that they haven’t cleared with their doctor. Every time you put something in your mouth it is a chemistry experiment that could easily go wrong!

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