Monday, October 18, 2010

Surely there is no ambiguity that she does not feel the same way about you as you feel about her though...

I have been successful, she does not feel the same way about me or none of the boys she has dated since meeting me would have been able to go out with her, and she would not have just in the last year married a nice-seeming fellow (one would hope). She probably never even thought of me romantically at all, although I wasn't going to take the risk of assuming that she was safe from my Unimaginable Animal Magnetism. I think the ambiguity comes in the possibility that I could have gotten her to fall in love with me had a chosen to pursue her outright. She could release a press release tomorrow to the world claiming the answer to be no or yes but she doesn't really know either, and she could lie to herself or to me by saying either with an ulterior motive to make me feel better (or make her husband feel better, obviously) so since any report would be suspect the ambiguity will remain indefinitely.

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