Monday, October 18, 2010

That is incredibly stupid.

Not exactly. Firstly to address the political implications while I believe the pro-choice movement has the correct idea in noting that human life does not begin at conception since for quite a period the organism is no more complex than a skin cell without feelings, thoughts, or even a central nervous system to speak of, I have never been satisfied with the justifications brought for the counter argument to potentiality. Interruption after fertilization is the dismissal of something that is GOING to be a human being, the reductio ad absurdum weighed against this is that by that logic even bumping into someone at the wrong time might prevent them from meeting a person they would later have a baby with, yet no one considers that to be such a heinous act. Yet I would argue that to have an exact foreknowledge of the preclusionary events and to knowingly proceed it would be no different in fact than physically stopping a baby from reaching term.

Now, I have friends who have had abortions before (as I have friends put up for adoption themselves who were not aborted), and I should clarify that I do not consider abortion AN UNCONSCIONABLE ACT OF MURDER, even nearing the period of the middle of gestation often women are found to be in an intractable circumstance where they were not fully aware of the risks or circumstances or they were placed in such against their will and now have little recourse in their actions. Abortion at this time makes them somewhat of a jerk. Understandably a jerk, but denying life to someone growing inside of you unless you are going to be injured or die is still not very nice to the tiny potentiate. It may be difficult thanks to hormonal systems to give up attachment to this child (who Freakonomics then would argue has a good chance of growing up to be a criminal even), and it will be painful physically and make life harder for you later in a number of ways, but on the other hand from the zygote's perspective it is about to be terminated completely. Everyone makes mistakes in their lives and are jerks at times though, so I feel society should not be so shocked and outraged constantly with stigmatism and privation of victims of circumstance. In respect to the gametes, zygotes die all of the time or do not make it all of the way through a pregnancy at a statistically significant margin, it happens.

How MY case was different is that I hold special configurational powers, as was denoted by the "Gallup Strengths Corporate Leadership Management Test" I was forced to take for an introductory college class reflection paper


 ... capturing essentially what all ability tests measure in me, that when combined with my highly boosted probabilistic inference abilities during critical periods of development my mind is set up to absorb lots of information and use it to bolster the tenants of the SCARF model I linked to (Status, Certainty, Autonomy, Relatedness and Fairness), thusly endowing me with forethought others might have thinking "It would sure be funny if I balanced this running chainsaw on Pete's head..." Other people have different strengths each in orders allowing them to do other things well, please note I am not claiming that I am an omega human.

My attack, as a "predictor" or "architect" came from advantaged position, I had nothing to lose at all from the existence of this person yet I STILL activated a perceptual shift in the listeners (which is you are wondering is indeed enough to change the course of history).

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