Monday, October 18, 2010

What about Soda, or Pop, or Cola… or whatever we call it in the region where I am from?

Pop is a plague upon humanity in my mind. I drank quite a bit early on but after I stopped I lost weight and my skin cleared up very quickly. It dehydrates the body, rots the teeth, leaves traces of aluminum in the brain for later Alzheimer’s from the cans, the caffeine damages the heart, the carbonation compromises bone structure, and the abundance of sugars is just all-around awful, and it is a hidden cost (calorically and financially) most people don‘t realize they are spending. When I quit on the advice of a rather loud-mouthed guy named JH I was skeptical that it would have any effect. I wish I had an opportunity to thank him because it was some of the best advice I have ever received. I never drink pop.

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