Monday, October 18, 2010

What facet of politics do you care the least about?

Press briefings. The invention of spin doctors made press briefings irrelevant. The invention of newsroom post-production spin doctors made press briefings inane. The media doesn't utilize them well and at maximum can cajole an insincere apology out of officials if preliminary polling shows high voter dissatisfaction in a news item already traveling around the world instantly in greater detail from experts more qualified than the White House staff.

Some might argue "How would we know without televised press briefings the official American response to foreign aggression in Flapotambia against the Buntobarobandians?" but I would say in such situations that if it isn't obvious what the response is going to be often it is not going to be a response given any credence anyway (and the country is often lied to about military or intelligence priorities in these regional conflicts or the diplomatic actions performed regardless).

Were you riveted if you were watching by the government saying that the BP oil spill should be stopped and that they were working on it (after hours and hours of news coverage)? Or days later when they said that they were still working on it? If the issue is a really important one there are national addresses by the President. All else (especially war news dispatches) should go straight online. CSPAN can focus on public inquiries, votes, or hearings... where the decisions are still made away from the camera in backroom deals anyway.

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