Monday, October 18, 2010

Why have you never gone to a strip club?

That is why. These people have lives and passions and disappointments and humanity, no one is a sex object, even if the person really enjoys that illusion on a perverse level and wishes to be seen that way.

I became confident as time went on that true love exists, and that I was sick with it. I've often been accused of overthinking things but in this case especially I was glad that I had taken the time to make sure to the best of my abilities that my emotions weren't like Romeo pining for Rosaline (although he also killed Tybalt, so I doubt his love for Juliet as well with my newer powers of emotional differentiation). In my case I seemed both infatuated AND in love! My mind was sharper than it was (in certain ways especially), I had gained tons of long muscle mass, and benefiting from a unique culture where such things as this are open to discussion:

I now had what seemed to be the truth. Unfortunately thanks to physical improvements other girls were now beginning to focus their attention on me, where I wanted nothing but there friendship and to have them move on to lead happy lives- AND it was becoming increasingly apparent that several of my colleagues (even a few very close friends) were equally focused on my love.

With the girls I tried to strike a balance of light flirting not to hurt anyone’s self esteem and quickly withdrawing if things looked if they were going the way of any serious emotional involvement on their part, I would have really liked to have said "Sorry, you seem very nice and quite eligible but I am absolutely crazy about someone else", but the thing about secrets is that once people guess at their existence or trailers of information sneak out the rest can be easily assumed or cajoled away from even master resistors of interrogation. Also flirting would keep people from wondering a little less why I did not go after anyone, and thus learn too early of my attachment, and most importantly of all it would protect my love from retribution. I certainly did not want to cause any pain to the rest, which is why I consciously made the decision to put on weight during part of high-school while I was working to improve mind and spirit (and several times later) because that has always seemed a good way to kill the interest of the pursuers when mixed with feigned idiocy or boorishness (calculated not to be so noteworthy to find its way back to the ears of my love).

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