Monday, October 18, 2010

But this is based on self report measures and you blame yourself for not adopting thirty El Salvadorian child gang-members with post traumatic stress disorder, or scrubbing oil-covered seals with your only toothbrush

Charitable giving can become a need, as the donator begins requiring their self image to be buoyed repeatedly for another fix of "the warm fuzzies". They will give and rob their families, they will give and destroy their finances, they will give and harm their own well-being in order to continue feeling better about themselves. Unluckily for the El Salvadorian child gang-members with post-traumatic stress disorder of the world I am not such a person. The little I give or volunteer has almost no effect or real cost to myself, and while it is true that I feel as a capable person that I am partly responsible for the failures of our respective politeia, it stands to reason that the reflected self-image in B5 is the one that actually makes the difference. It is not a relative measure against the other test-takers but an absolute that I in all of my serpiginous sophrosyneity still carry as encumberment.

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