Monday, October 18, 2010

I find this blog so far to be patronizing and question whether it will suit my massive intellect...

If you have time to kill I am also going to source many, many articles during this back-and-forth that may eventually compose itself symbolically into a "Will Woods Reader". As it stands not even my good friends bother to read my research links sometimes, and as the internet ages archives are lost or made inaccessible, paywalls and intrusive membership requirements are added, servers and hard drives fail and are lain silent with fallen .coms and .orgs folding economically outside the purveyance of any 'wayback machine', so this may be a unique opportunity for you to see something rare and interesting before it is taken from the infosphere permanently; I hate this and would footnote every word in full if I could but intellectual property law precludes such liberties, also most people would get bored.

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