Monday, October 18, 2010

You seem to be using big words, and scrolling down a little bit on this page this whole thing seems really really long. Do you expect people to actually read this entire thing?

If you are totally in love with me or vehemently hate or fear me you will probably read the whole thing. I personally cannot recommend either stance, and for those in between you can google a dictionary to decode what people write on the internet when the vocabulary words are too big for you to understand. In this way you learn new words.

Since most people only read blogs of acquaintances to find allusions to themselves I will even include an index of people mentioned in this piece, so one will not have to go through the whole thing looking for personal references that won’t end up being there. Originally it was going to have the names of everyone spelled out in their entirety, because internet privacy is a quaint illusion and it's foolish to underestimate the intelligence of a determined reader- but since then I've relented and now only public figures will have their whole name used, because teaching everyone I know lessons about the nature of the internet seems a bit vain and sanctimonious. Those certified to be dead in public record are not indexed, if resurrected do e-mail me and I can write you as to your presence here if you are lazy.

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