Monday, October 18, 2010

If the love of your life meets an untimely death are you going to dig up her body and chop her head off to be cryogenically frozen?

I would never do anything like that without the permission of her family. I am not a grave robber, and if they refuse I think that she would want their wishes (or her own) to be respected. The science of cryonics has not yet met satisfactory levels of success anyway, and if they ever do in the decades to come I doubt it will be easy to reverse embalming processes or keep the head alive without a full-body prosthetic we do not have or within a computer mainframe we do not have. Therefore the freeze would be a long one, preferably with her full body, which I would gladly pay for, and why not her friends, family, favorite actors, musicians, performers, and writers as well if I could be a mega-wealthy tycoon with the sort of liquidity I was just speaking out against before. Yet many of these individuals are dedicated "old-school" Christians who feel their place after natural death is the afterlife, and not an Earthly resurrection before the second coming- and not to respect this choice in when they wish to stop living is highly disrespectful of their personhood, even if it could be viewed from the futurist perspective as a sort of voluntary suicide.

Plus would one prefer to be frozen to be brought back in the future (if the ability ever develops) when instead with the same money the greatest scientist or leader in the world could be preserved to continue on their struggle? A great deal will depend on the societal context of freezing people and how standard the practice is, currently all the future is getting is Walt Disney.

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