Monday, October 18, 2010

What do they mean?

The three at the table (when activated) review my daydreams, interjecting criticism, meaningful links to my past observation, or pithy dialog as the good-naturedly argue about where my thoughts should be going.

The lady has access to all artistic experiences I have ever had, referencing them and using the characters or moments as examples as she explains or directs my attention. She lives in an old castle and has visiting friends (Most notably the reader, a British poet with a shock of white hair not unlike in bearing to Sir Ian McKellen, with a deeper, authoritative voice spoken in slow and very dramatic tones reads out poetry from a podium beneath a garden trellis in the courtyard of the castle while different constructs sit in attendance- as I read or write it), and her masked servants (a musical quartet, an acting troupe, food servers, a band of assassins, etc.). She cares a great deal about emotional expressiveness, sensual appreciation, beauty, and really nothing else.

The scientists have access to every scientific research study I have read and similarly like to discuss things in exact and analytical terms, they live together in a commune having renounced all things but learning, though often doing ridiculous and silly segway maneuvers or blowing up things instead of measuring or recording. They have unlimited and often highly improbable technology and are mostly busy unless I require their assistance in solving a problem requiring visualization, they eternally quest for total truth, and really nothing else.

IÜ is there to set a good example, and serve as sort of a normalizing influence to inspire the others not to advise me to dissect or caress things that I shouldn't, etc. which naturally is advice I would ignore anyway but it becomes less productive in the meantime since I am wasting mental resources creating these subpartitions. I've noticed of all constructions that really only Inner Übermensch values human life and charity outside of it's sociological or tragic implications, so I am glad that I invented him.

Residual Self Image is just a me dressed in my current clothes who stands before the table from time to time to plead a case or justify myself to myself or relax with a short visit.

Then there is IDmonster. IDmonster is a twenty foot model of me with gray blotched skin like a drowned person, accentuated muscles, burning orange eyes like hot coals, and sometimes no lower jaw, which doesn't really matter because beyond deep roars he never speaks or makes a sound when he moves. IDmonster is manacled in silent heavy chains created by the scientists (and the lady further restrains him with soft music performance if necessary). He represents the animalistic Will of lower functioning brainstem, he gets stronger or weaker depending on what I need him for, battles of strength, freakish endurance events, listening to metal all have him up and running. He of course likes it when I eat meat... A LOT. He is held in a far corner of the field and sometimes he creates dark clouds overhead so his eyes glow more dramatically. At other times he sits very still and watches, piercingly, as birds obliviously perch on his head and shoulders. The others maintain good relations by visiting from time to time and feeding him things that can be disgustingly fascinating to watch him consume, and no one fears him, because generally he is the least dangerous.

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