Monday, October 18, 2010

What else did you teach yourself?

Reliant on the power of autodidacticism since my family was grossly broken, and the subjects offered at my school were often slow or of little relevance, and my friends were a bit involved with makeouts, SAT prep., cosmic brownies, or band practice to teach me what they knew of life issues for the most part (or they were dealing with problems of their own) I focused on

Survivalism, Basic Medicine, Finance and Money, Relationship Improvement, Etiquette, Her chosen career, ... [I will spare you the multi-page extensive list I wrote]

all for the well-being of my love should these sort of things be called for, and that is why I am stingy and so preoccupied with regenerative immortalism, supervolcanoes, problem-solving puzzles, self-healing pavement free of potholes, the backslide of feminism, etc. not just for her and the welfare of the extended family she cares about, but for everyone's family since many potential life problems have common roots.

I also tried to follow interests outside of her relational Koosh ball of ideas, when you live totally for another person it is easy to lose yourself entirely and be subsumed beneath an ocean of the identity of the other, but to hold an equal partnership I think it is necessary to be separate in some respects in order to contribute a viewpoint or make improvements from an individual perspective, otherwise instead of a companion you become an extra limb.

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