Monday, October 18, 2010

What has been your greatest invention?

I have random ideas and sketches that I scrawl in notebooks all the time, I met with the founder of the University of Iowa prediction markets once and after he gave a rather pompous presentation I asked why he didn't begin a journalist prediction market since often in the name of censorship, network message, or 'political objectivity' journalists are disallowed to present obvious facts to their audiences which might be better captured by gambling tables and he just stared at me. That would have been much better than the initial Iraq war coverage. I've designed a machine powered by the heat of repeated re-entry into the atmosphere, I've created a branch of game theory predicated on an overpowered actor trying to get a less powerful actor to keep playing even at severe disadvantage, a new form of economics that my friend Paul called confusing communist capitalist communism, psychotheories on environmental effects on conscious processing related to embodied cognition research, a radiation-box for cell phones addressing the three issues listed, micro-expression paralytics, tiny ball bearings to spread across roads to hide land-mines from metal detectors, detachable shuttle diagnostic robots, a website for ransoming infinite free multi-format global movie-releases, anti-sweatshop manufacturing apps (For Apple), a Numary where patrons are haunted by digital representations of famous mathematicians for learning, games, lectures, or discussion- and also foods, tools, and all manner other of impractical crap. Feel free to run with anything I ever put out there if it catches your eye.

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