Monday, October 18, 2010

What if the thing that would make her happiest in your respect is for you to move on and find someone else?

because I can't. If it made her happiest in my respect if I started breathing underwater or flying through the air on wings made of magical spaghetti I couldn't do those things either. It's like the women talking to the man on the plane in "Ten Tiny Love Stories" by Rodrigo Garcia (often it is said that romance movies give unrealistic expectations to real relationships but I feel that this particular instance is quite verisimilitudinal). As to killing yourself for me as an admirer like Karl Wilhelm Jerusalem, that will not endear you to me because I have spelled out rationales in this text why that is inadvisable.

As to us ever being together, once again as a determinist I would say it is certainly true that there is a possibility- though from my perspective it is a very, very improbable one since I plan to be alone for the rest of my days. No matter what happens I think that my first love will hold a permanent place within my heart regardless of what should come later. Also I feel it bears mentioning that finding and killing either my love or her beloved or harming them in any way is not one of the ways to get me to think well of you. This is not "The Highlander". If she dies none of my feelings toward her change, it may even magnify things just as the public now feels more strongly about JFK or John Lennon. Also they are well guarded by their natural tenacity and intelligence and her brothers will turn you into smoosh.

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