Monday, October 18, 2010

What if some poor girl (or guy for that matter) has been waiting for you day after day only to read this now and realize that the only reason she/he has to go on living has now vanished in a flurry of HTML prompts?

Most of the time in plays when confronted with such a romantistance the character who is the focus of such feelings states that they are not worth all of the trouble while the best friend of the protagonist invariably gives the "don't put that gender on a pedestal" speech, so while I could say: "I am a very poor reason to go on living, there are better fish in the sea, as I've likely tried to tell you before subtextually you are not unworthy of love, you just have poor taste in men and bad timing." I am not going to say that, because I think hearing the same thing I would personally reject the argument. I don't ever wonder:

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