Monday, October 18, 2010

What if, in a fit of stereotypical possessive rage, he shows up in your town to beat the crap out of you or duel you to the death because your existence creeps him out?

I have driven myself through many manner of pain and physical deprivation, testing if I could purge these feelings I have for her from myself and prove that they were something less than what they seemed to be. Beating me certainly will do no good, though I would not life a finger to hurt him in return. If he kills me publicly he will go to jail and will have violated the ideals that bind him in common with his love to begin with, he cannot even ASK ME to kill myself because that in a way would be a causal violation of one of the ten commandments that both he and she have their common faith rooted in (and that's one of the serious ones). Also I would worry about the guilt he may feel later in slaying another human being, only a slim majority of the population are able to do this without psychological consequence, and it probably wouldn't make him feel any better.
If he is unhappy it may make her unhappy and then I have screwed things up, so unless my reasons were good to live on really I should be killing myself in secret by "disappearing" right now and never post this document on the internet. BUT I do have reasons to live and also the pair should remember to trust their love to overcome all challenges to it, including weird creepy internet people. This site is about me ultimately and the people seeking to learn of me, and not the lives of those two, though I am sure that they will be interesting.

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