Monday, October 18, 2010

Who is Will Woods?

This is the Will Woods referred to in this site, circa 2010, the year that I am writing this. I do not take very many pictures of myself, I have chosen this one because it is closest in appearance to my Residual Self Image, as fans of the film "The Matrix" will know is how the mind chooses to internally represent it's outward appearance within the imagination.

180-185 lbs. I have a long, angular face, dark blonde hair, dark hazel eyes, largish lips, disconnected earlobes (of the genetically dominant variety) and a long and slightly crooked nose where as a boy I stopped several soccer balls with my face in goal-box emergencies and a classmate punched me for helping others steal his winter hat and playing keep-away with it. Later we became great friends. I have a brow creased and furrowed from years of dismay (thanks in large part to a man named Dick Cheney) and a small scar at the end of my right eyebrow where I was hit with an oar by a boy named Bill who tried to keep me from capsizing his boat from beneath as I was converging upon he and a friend with my hunting pack of fresh water aqua-velociraptors. We fed well that night.

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