Monday, October 18, 2010

You are "a worrier", a negative nancy...

Curiosity drives me to seek out that which our society goes to such great lengths to hide from itself, because of this even as a strict pacifist I have become almost totally desensitized to witnessing violence. I've watched records of a man eating a miscarried fetus, decapitations and stonings, non-anesthetized and unnecessary surgeries, I've played computer games where the only goal is to cut your own hand off with a paper slicer! All to unearth that forbidden truth that the insulated bubbles we build do not reflect reality. "Young Goodman Brown" may have ruined his own life with the doubts that plagued him, but once those doubts are confirmed and you see that idyllic nature might be predicated upon human slavery or infecting thousands of mentally-ill Guatemalans with sexually transmitted diseases, it allows you to be more appreciative of all of those instances of beauty in a world equally populated by darkness, and more presciently affords a great deal of power to the ideation of the student.

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