Monday, October 18, 2010

Do you have ANY IDEA of what you are giving up?

I have an excellent idea of what I am giving up (and have given up already). I get much
more in return. Artists in all fields regularly walk audiences and readers through every moment of lost intimacy they have faced through the entirety of their failed and miserable lives, and upon thousands and thousands of these accounts of simple run-ins and torrid intrigues, sensation, emotion, elation, tango, I have formulated an image as exact as my knowledge of 2 + 2 equaling 4.

I have read every article about intercourse I have ever come across (A++ in classes pertaining), I have advised others on their relationships and how to improve them , and I have watched ENDLESSLY the socio-dynamic implications of any given "move" or "argument", the maddening interplay of vulnerabilities and intimacies. My questions to friends always has been do you have any idea what you have given up? I am incredibly happy and satisfied in my life the way it is (which is good of course, because as already mentioned as I have judged myself unworthy of one female it logically follows that the courtesy of my non-involvement should extend to the rest of them).

There are the common excoriations, the stories of old men sitting on park benches looking at young women and wishing to give ANYTHING for just one more night in their prime, or the constant call to "gather ye rosebuds while ye may", but these ideas are disanalagous to real life. People are not rosebuds. Old men are often stupid. My life has been enriched in ways unmatchable simply by the IDEA of a woman formed from the remembrances and projections I hold of her, and that is worth more to me than any affair or fling.

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